The Pros and Cons of Joint Custody
After a divorce, the matter of child custody arises. It means having them live with whichever parent and having that particular parent decide on important matters about the kids. On the other hand, joint custody implies the exes share decision-making rights regarding the children. For a greater understanding of the six basic custody situations, you can sit down with a child custody attorney in Baltimore, MD.
We’ll be focusing on the benefits and negatives of joint custody. There is joint custody, where the child or children stay with one parent, and there’s the arrangement where the kids live with both parents alternately. In either case, the mother and father still go fifty-fifty on deciding what’s best for their children.
The Advantages
Joint custody allows parents to practice active interaction to ensure that their children benefit from the plan. In the beginning, it may be hard for both the mother and father since they obviously dislike each other, but in the long run, what’s best for the kids becomes the ultimate goal. It might not be as hard as you think when you have the parents rooting for their common good. Arguments become more easily ironed out after a while.
• Not the Task of Only One Parent – It’s not an easy thing to raise a child and make important decisions alone. It’s literally a burden. One may even feel trapped by the situation. What would be nice is for the divorced couple to have joint custody of the child and a shared influence on his or her upbringing.
• Children are Assured that Both Parents Still Care – Joint custody eliminates the feeling of having been abandoned by either the mother or father. “Your Mom and I are excited about your coming prom, but don’t get drunk” has a nice ring to it for someone whose divorced parents are still taking an interest in him or her.
• Children are Allowed to Adjust to the Separation – After a divorce, the kids experience a painful sense of loss from the absence of a parent. The joint custody of both parents, where they’re still making decisions about the well-being of the children, allows them to adapt to the split.
The Disadvantages
There are two conditions under which joint custody is carried out. The first is known as joint custody, and the children live with one parent, but major decisions about them are made by both parents. The second is called joint physical custody, and the arrangement has the kids shuttling between the homes of their mother and father. The discussion of the pros and cons of joint custody is now focused on what’s wrong with the concept.
• It Doesn’t Always Work – In some cases, joint custody creates more matters for divorced couples to fight about. Sadly, what’s unfair is when the children have to act like referees for parents who can’t work together.
• Moving Back and Forth – The agreement of joint physical custody sees children constantly traveling to one parent and then back to the other. Some kids may be okay with this, but there are others who’ll find it tiring and stressful.
• When Parents are Living Far Apart – Now this is a situation that obviously will not work for joint physical custody. Only an arrangement that calls for sharing in decision-making can be possible.
Making Sure that All’s Well
Over and above property and debts, the matter of alimony, and other divorce-related stuff, the most important thing to consider is the one that involves children. One has to get expert guidance on how to adapt the kids to the divorce proceedings. You’ll need a child custody lawyer in Baltimore, MD, or wherever in the US you are.
It has to be ensured that the pros of your joint custody are ensured and the cons are addressed. Seek the advice of Richard J. Hackerman. He’s an experienced divorce lawyer who has been practicing family law since 1985. Browse through our website now to learn more about him and his expertise. You can also call him at 240-609-9000.