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What No One Tells You About Divorce

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Oftentimes, life’s most delicate topics are hard to discuss out in the open. The same rings true for divorce, and that’s why people who are going through the process often find themselves disconnected. While most seek help through counseling from therapists and relationship experts in the aftermath, it would also be best to prepare even before pushing through with the divorce. You can also ask your divorce lawyer in Baltimore, MD about it, so you know what you are stepping a foot into.

To help you get an idea of what to expect after divorce, we’ve put together a list of some of the things no one tells you about divorce. Sourced from relationship experts and brutally honest advice from divorcees, we hope to give you a glimpse of the aftermath of divorce.


Contrary to popular belief, isolation isn’t the key to solving heartbreak. Real life is much more complicated than that. And although there is comfort in solitude, too much of it can be detrimental to emotional and mental health aspects. After getting divorced, divorcees need to keep people who can support them close by. With the right motivation, the healing begins, and they will eventually start building relationships with new people, taking up new hobbies, and seeking out new experiences.


When starting a new relationship, it may be inevitable to keep a mental checklist of things you expect your new partner to meet based on your previous relationship. If you’re not careful, this may damage your current and future relationships. You can overcome this by focusing on the strengths of your current partner instead of thinking about how he or she can’t do some of the things your ex used to.

It’s Not an Instant Fix

Hiring a divorce lawyer in Baltimore, MD is the first step to divorce, and its completion is the start of a new beginning. But that doesn’t mean you should dive headfirst into a new relationship right away, no matter what your friends say. It also doesn’t mean that all the pain will go away in an instant once the divorce is over. Give yourself some time to rebuild your new life and heal. After all, you got divorced for a reason, and you need time to process everything that’s happened.

Guilt and Regret

In a perfect world, divorce would solve everything. The reality, however, is that there will be days when you think you could’ve done better for your family if you were a different person. Keep in mind that it’s okay to feel those things and not push them away. Doing so will help you understand your feelings and go through your thoughts without falling into a pit of anxiety.

Divorce is not something you can easily decide on. Unless you are in a dangerous situation where divorce is the only solution, it takes careful consideration of everything that will change before going through with it. If you have decided that it is the right decision for you, hire Atty. Richard J. Hackerman as your lawyer. As a renowned divorce and family lawyer in Baltimore, MD, he can help you go through the process smoothly. 

Remember that divorce is just the beginning and that you will need a good support system once it’s over. So keep friends and family close to you even after the divorce proceedings are over.

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